About Me

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Event and Street Photographer who leads by the Spirit of God and loves to capture the moment in life either in door or on the street.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The race was my test

The race was my test!!!  I passed the test with flying colors.
You may wonder what type of test I am talking about.

All images taken with Olympus OMD-ME5 and kit lens 12-50mm f/3.5-6.3.

The Run
In May 1999, I broke my achilles tendon and I stop running my yearly PJ Half Marathon. A few years, I did joined the Malay Mail Walk to test my healing tendon without any training. My tendon healed beside I have a Helper. I thanked Him for walking with me.

At the age of 49 years old, I twisted my back muscles which in turn affected by right leg nerve. Now I am really kaput! I have difficulty in walking as I need a rest after a few steps. I went to see a few doctors and they gave me pain killers and nerve pills. But nothing works!! The pain is still there!!!

Once I was a runner and now I have difficulty in walking.

The Walk
 In August 2011, we bought a camera and my passion for photography grows like grass after the rain as I want to be the best in whatever I do.

Committed Runner
I am so committed to be the best that I feel that nothing can stop me. I will grab every opportunity to shoot whichever come my way. Or else I will create the opportunty for the benefit of my photography growth.

As I have no training for this race but I still want to run with my OMD-ME5 for my personal test which resulted being blackout after the race. My time for the race was 39-40 minutes as I also need to capture images along the way.

The Meal
The meal was great and Bayu Timor deserved 4 stars for taste and quality.

Caught in Action
I thought nobody knows that I captured their images as I am using OMD-EM5's LED but my friend who owned an Olympus knows better.

Note: Please do a proper training before you go for a race and do a proper warm-up before you start to run. Actually I am not fully running but enjoying the run with wonderful people.

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